HomeExpert Roundups16 Unique Strategies Startups Used for Customer Acquisition

16 Unique Strategies Startups Used for Customer Acquisition

16 Unique Strategies Startups Used for Customer Acquisition

To uncover unique strategies for acquiring your first customers, we asked CEOs and founders for their best insights. From building an app for an employer to networking at hobby-group events, here are sixteen innovative approaches these leaders shared on how they successfully attracted their initial clientele.

  • Build an App for Employer
  • Offer Pay-What-You-Want Deal
  • Leverage Personal Branding on LinkedIn
  • Target Specific Niche with Outreach
  • Provide Free IT Audits
  • Guarantee Results with Risk-Reversal
  • Engage Niche Online Communities
  • Partner with Local Event Planners
  • Utilize Reddit for Direct Engagement
  • Craft Personalized Cold Emails
  • Offer Complimentary Security Demonstrations
  • Volunteer to Gain Testimonials
  • Showcase Work on Social Media
  • Use Direct In-Person Marketing
  • Post in Local Facebook Groups
  • Network at Hobby-Group Events

Build an App for Employer

My first customer was my employer. My company needed a mobile app; however, they were not able to see the urgency of it, nor had the resources to build an app. This was back in 2010. I was able to see the opportunity and decided to build the app myself. It took me around three months to build the app, and once it was done, I was able to sell it to my employer. This was a great energizer for me. After that, I reached out to similar companies who would need the same type of app, and I was able to win a contract from them.

Piyush JainPiyush Jain
CEO, Simpalm

Offer Pay-What-You-Want Deal

I once offered a “Pay-What-You-Want” deal for our first month of services. I think it surprised potential clients and lowered their risk in trying us out. It was a bit of a gamble, but it worked out well. We gained a lot of interest and secured a few loyal clients who appreciated our confidence and flexibility.

In my opinion, it was a great way to build trust and showcase our abilities without the usual financial barrier. We did have to endure a few clients who didn’t pay much, but overall, it was worth it to establish our reputation and get the ball rolling.

Andrew Lee JenkinsAndrew Lee Jenkins
Owner, Catalyst RVA Marketing Agency

Leverage Personal Branding on LinkedIn

I hadn’t planned on starting a business. After leaving a toxic work environment at the end of 2020, my intention was to take a break.

The following day, a stranger messaged me on LinkedIn, mentioning that they had come across my content and inquired about my content-marketing services. This unexpected interaction made me realize the potential of starting a business.

I suppose my method of attracting my first customer involved actively building a personal brand through creating organic content, even though I hadn’t initially set specific goals for this content. I find joy in capturing screenshots of my work and documenting my milestones. It’s akin to continually constructing a portfolio and sharing my journey with others.

While this practice brings me happiness and is something I genuinely enjoy, it has also proven to be the simplest way to attract business opportunities.

Joyce TsangJoyce Tsang
Content Marketer and Founder, Joyce Tsang Content Marketing

Target Specific Niche with Outreach

Initially, when I started my business, I decided to focus on a specific niche: therapists in private practice. I knew that there was a definite need in the market for my services. The only problem was, I had no easy access to this niche. I decided that my number-one priority was to establish a reputation and bring awareness to my company. To do that, I needed to establish credibility.

So, I decided to use outreach as the main strategy and reached out to the local Psychological Association. When I first reached out offering free education, I was rejected. So, I decided to invest by buying advertising space in the association’s newsletter and thus start a new relationship.

After that, I was able to secure a presentation for the Association in which I pitched my services. I got my first three clients from that presentation and continued to build on that success.

Avivit Fisher
Founder, REdD Strategy

Provide Free IT Audits

The initial strategy I used to acquire my first customers was offering free IT audits. At the beginning of my company, many businesses were unsure about their IT needs and hesitant to spend money without understanding the value. I provided immediate value by offering a free audit and building trust with potential clients.

The audit process was straightforward. I assessed their current IT setup, identified vulnerabilities, and presented a clear report with recommendations. It was an educational experience for the clients, helping them understand the importance of proper IT management. Many were impressed by their insights and eager to implement the suggested improvements.

This strategy worked out very well. It converted many initial contacts into long-term clients. It was a win-win situation, providing value to potential customers and helping our business grow from the ground up.

Konrad MartinKonrad Martin
CEO, Tech Advisors

Guarantee Results with Risk-Reversal

One unique strategy we used to acquire our first customers was to guarantee the result, a concept known as risk-reversal. Many businesses shy away from guaranteeing results, even when it’s within their control. However, this approach can create raving fans, which are essential for growing your business through referrals.

Our strategy was simple: we promised to find a site for our customers, or they would get their money back. This eliminated any risk for them. Additionally, in the early stages, we offered an opt-out option, allowing customers to cancel their placement at any time before it started, without any questions asked.

This combination of guarantees and flexibility built trust and attracted our initial customers, ultimately helping us grow through their positive experiences and referrals.

Krish ChopraKrish Chopra
Founder & CEO, NPHub

Engage Niche Online Communities

When acquiring my first customers, I found that engaging directly with niche online communities was a highly effective strategy. I joined forums and social media groups where my target audience was active, offering valuable insights and subtly introducing my product. This approach built trust and positioned me as an expert.

By addressing specific pain points and providing tailored solutions, I garnered interest and converted members into early adopters. This strategy was influential and instrumental in building a loyal customer base from the ground up and generating word-of-mouth referrals within the community.

Oliver AndrewsOliver Andrews
Digital Marketing, OA Design Services

Partner with Local Event Planners

When we first launched, I wanted to make sure our brand was not only noticed but also remembered for its uniqueness. One strategy that worked incredibly well was partnering with local bachelor-party planners. We reached out to these planners and offered them a chance to include our products as part of their packages. We provided them with customized samples of our gifts, which they could show to their clients.

This strategy worked out beautifully for us because it not only got our products into the hands of potential customers, but it also allowed us to build relationships with influencers in our target market. The bachelor-party planners appreciated the personal touch and uniqueness of our gifts, which helped us stand out from competitors. As a result, we saw a steady stream of referrals from their clients who wanted their events to have that extra-special touch.

Chris BajdaChris Bajda
E-Commerce Entrepreneur & Managing Partner, Groomsday

Utilize Reddit for Direct Engagement

Some of our first customers came from Reddit. Our team found a subreddit related to our products in which members were posting numerous questions per day. We would then go in and answer those questions. We built up trust pretty quickly, which is when we started sprinkling in our business when we could. I would say the first few hundred orders came directly from Reddit because of this strategy.

Jeff MichaelJeff Michael
Ecommerce Business Owner, Supplement Warehouse

Craft Personalized Cold Emails

Cold email is how I acquired my first few consistent clients and some of my most valued connections. It’s not exactly unique, but my strategy was. Instead of playing a numbers game and firing off hundreds of generic emails a day, I slowed down and spent time crafting a unique, strategic email to each company. Each email had a 4-week sequence, and I sent off about 10 emails every week or every two weeks.

90% of the time, I found an email address for a specific person and spoke to them. I scanned their website, I provided value on how I could help, and I made my subject lines as un-generic as possible. It was time-consuming, but I’m still proud of those emails, still working with some of those clients, and still in contact with some of those connections!

Lauren PlugLauren Plug
Copywriter, SEO Specialist, Copy by LP

Offer Complimentary Security Demonstrations

Launching a new CCTV services business in a competitive market required us to think creatively about how to build trust and attract our first customers. We understood that people are naturally cautious when it comes to security, so we needed a strategy that would not only showcase the reliability of our products but also establish our brand as a trusted provider. We decided to implement a strategy we called “Security Demonstrations.”

The idea was simple but powerful: we identified a selection of local businesses that we believed would benefit from enhanced security and approached them with an offer they couldn’t refuse—a complimentary, short-term CCTV installation. In exchange, we asked for permission to document the installation process and share the real-time results of our systems in action.

These demonstrations served multiple purposes. First, they allowed us to prove the effectiveness of our systems in real-world environments. We carefully selected businesses in different industries—retail stores, small offices, and warehouses—to showcase the versatility and adaptability of our CCTV solutions. The businesses benefited from improved security, while we gathered valuable case studies and testimonials.

Second, the content we created from these installations became a cornerstone of our marketing efforts. We produced video footage highlighting how our CCTV systems deterred potential security threats and provided peace of mind to business owners. These videos, combined with the testimonials from our first clients, gave us a solid foundation for our marketing campaigns, both online and offline.

The strategy exceeded our expectations. Not only did many of the businesses we partnered with during the trial period choose to continue with our services, but they also became advocates for our brand. Their positive experiences and word-of-mouth referrals were instrumental in attracting our first wave of paying customers.

In a relatively short time, we were able to establish our reputation as a reliable CCTV services provider in the community. This approach not only helped us gain our first customers but also laid the groundwork for sustained growth and long-term success in a competitive industry. By focusing on delivering real value and building trust through transparency, we were able to differentiate ourselves from other providers and create lasting relationships with our clients.

Edwin ChangEdwin Chang
SEO and PPC Specialist, Yo Telecom Limited

Volunteer to Gain Testimonials

I volunteered at an organization that helped the clients I wanted to help. I worked on simple projects and worked just as hard as if I was being paid. The clients became my raving fans. They left testimonials and referred their friends and family, whom I did charge for my services. More than 15 years later, I still get the occasional note or message from some of those early clients, thanking me for all I did. It feels good to help those in need, but it was also a really positive way to build a foundation for my business.

Alexandra GecziAlexandra Geczi
Divorce Attorney for Women, Alexandra Geczi PLLC

Showcase Work on Social Media

I designed my house, took pictures, and posted them on my son’s social media. This opened an opportunity to reach potential clients within my son’s network. They were amazed by the design and asked my son if they could hire me to design their homes. Since my son has a wide network, many people saw my work and eventually became clients. It’s free marketing but is indeed effective.

Magda CalleryMagda Callery
Founder | Interior Designer, Style By Magda

Use Direct In-Person Marketing

To get my first clients, I went old-school—literally hit the streets with a printed portfolio and walked into every local business I could find. It wasn’t glamorous, and my first paying gigs were for a pizza shop and a barbershop. But those projects were the springboard for my freelance career and the reason I am where I am today.

Liam FallenLiam Fallen
CMO, Liam.

Post in Local Facebook Groups

For my first customer, I knew that I had to take into account certain restrictions: my marketing resources were limited, I had no proper distribution channels in place, and I would only be able to supply very small orders. There was one option that fit the bill: to post a notice on a Facebook group specific to my neighborhood.

Because I had already lived there for a long time, people could associate my new service with myself as a person, which already granted my product a level of trust. I could easily drive over the product and install it, make adjustments to it if necessary, and it was completely free. It worked out well, and I believe it was the perfect environment to both learn what the customer wanted and how I could provide them with the best possible product.

Will BakerWill Baker
Director, Skirtings R Us

Network at Hobby-Group Events

In the early days of my production career, I connected with my first client at a motorcycle meet in Agoura Hills, where my passion for bikes organically led to a professional relationship. Bonding over shared interests, I met an individual who turned out to be an agency producer, which led to a follow-up meeting and my first significant project.

This experience was quite the revelation, so I began frequenting hobby-group events that resonated with my interests, hoping to continue bonding with like-minded individuals and uncover professional synergy. These genuine connections with hobbyists, including executive producers and video commissioners, helped build a diverse clientele and foster relationships that fueled the growth of my business.

For the entertainment and advertising industry in particular, I found that this method of networking was much more effective compared to festivals or typical industry gatherings. To any up-and-coming producer who is finding it difficult to make new connections, I would give this strategy a shot.

Michael ShafiaMichael Shafia
Producer, Cinedyne Films Inc

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